Midwife’s Success Story: Life-Saving Pregnancy Referral
A midwife’s perspective on the life-changing benefits of using ultrasound machines.
The donated ultrasound machine at Mwulire Health Center has made an incredible difference for patients. Jeanne, a midwife at that facility shared her experience.
"Before receiving the ultrasound machine at this Health Center, I frequently had to transfer many pregnant mothers to the hospital to confirm simple diagnoses like twin pregnancy, polyhydramnios, fetal viability, and more. Most of the time, I had to use the word 'suspected' before most of the diagnosis documented on referral sheets " said Jeanne, a midwife from Mwulire Health Center, excitedly.
RM, Jeanne performing an obstetrical ultrasound scan.
Jeanne also recounted a particular story that filled her with pride as a health care provider helping pregnant mothers. She described the case of a 33-year-old woman in her second pregnancy, at 19 weeks of amenorrhea, who came in with minor bleeding.
"Thanks to the ultrasound machine and my training in basic obstetrical ultrasonography, I was able to scan the mother and determine that it was not a normal pregnancy, but a molar pregnancy. This allowed me to confidently refer her to the hospital for further management," she explained.
Ultrasounds machines save lives and benefit the community too.
Read about the 7 Benefits of Ultrasounds in Rural Rwanda >>