Stories from Health Builders
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Transforming Health Care in Nyabihu: Launch of the Community Electronic Medical Records (cEMR) System
Earlier this fall, Health Builders launched a five-day training for 50 health care staff from Nyabihu health facilities on the new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system.
Taking Steps Towards Going Paperless in Primary Health Care
Health Builders is pioneering the use of digital tools to improve quality of care.
Educational Partnerships
Our long-standing partnerships with the Medical College of Wisconsin and Global Health Corps are shaping the future of health care in rural Rwanda.
Training Community Health Works in Rural Rwanda
Community Health Workers (CHWs) are a critical part of Rwanda's approach to health care delivery. Being closer to the community, CHWs perform an essential role in reducing maternal and child mortality in rural Rwanda.
Updates from the Field - Training Health Care Workers in Prevention and Control Practices
Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, Health Builders staff continues our work to support health centers in rural Rwanda in a number of ways. At the end of November, Health Builders hosted a training to improve infection prevention and control practices for 16 health centers in northwestern Rwanda.